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Digital Figure Design

3D Universe has been in operation since 2001. We specialise in creating custom 3D Digital figures for various markets and clients worldwide. Our products are used in books, advertising, television, web, magazines and various other media.

We have done 3D work directly, and indirectly with many companies including Intel, LEGO Animation, Discovery Channel, Sony Pictures Animation, Coke Cola, M&M, ATI, Oovoo, RG Entertainment, DAZ 3D and many others.

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3D Universe Captain Charisma
3D Universe Mythical Pixie
3D Universe Toon Rabbit
3D Universe Mountain Troll
3D Universe Mythical Dragon
Random monster figure
Paige for Genesis 8 Female
Grimwood Manor
Snuggles the Bear
Cartoon Parrot
Broken Wagon (Grimwood Manor)
Random monster figure
Amber for Genesis 8 Female
Grimwood Manor
Cartoon Car
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